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26 July 2020
Midday Prayer from Lockdown
A service to pause with in the middle of the day.
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Midday Prayer from Lockdown
Gilda is half an hour and welcome to midday prayer for Wednesday. Today's prayer is taken from our New Zealand prayer book. And if you're not lucky enough to own a copy because it is out of print, these days, there is a link online where you can follow along and we also have the order of service posted with the video, To find out our help is in the name of the Eternal God who was making the heavens and the Earth?
Eternal spirit flow through our being and open our lips. That our mouths May Proclaim your praise, Let us worship the god of love alleluia alleluia.
And the psalm for Wednesday is from Psalm 119.
Do you guard your Eternal Word Of Love indoors? Forever in the universe, Your Truth stands fast from one generation to another. You have laid the foundations of the earth, and it abides.
And fulfillment of your purpose. It continues to this very day for all things serve you. If my delight had not been in your wisdom, I should have perished in my trouble.
I shall never forget your truths for with them. You have given me life.
I belong to you. Save me for. I have sought your counsel. The ungodly laid. Wait for me to destroy me, but I will meditate on your law. I see that all things come to an end, but your commandment is exceeding Broad.
And the reading for Wednesday is from 2 Corinthians chapter 6.
As Servants of God, we commend ourselves in every way through great endurance and afflictions, hardships calamities, imprisonments tumults laborers watching We commend ourselves by pure. See knowledge forbearance. Kindness the Holy Spirit. Genuine love, truthful speech, and the power of God With the weapons of righteousness, for the right hand, and for the left, and honor, and dishonor and ill, repute and good repute.
We are treated as imposters and yet art room as are known and yet, well known as dying and behold.
We live as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing as poor yet. Making many rich as having nothing and yet possessing everything.
And midday prayer. There are quite. There is quite a selection of poems and canticles. And my favorite is. This one called the lake of beauty by Edward Carpenter, Let your mind, be quiet. Realizing the beauty of the world and the immense. The boundless Treasures that it holds in store.
That you have within you all that your heart desires, all that your nature. So specially fits you for that or the counter part of it waits embedded in the great hole for you. It will surely come to you.
Yet, equally surely not one moment before its appointed time, will it come all your crying and fever and reaching out of hands? Will make no difference.
The for do not begin the game at all. Do not recklessly spill the Waters of your mind and this direction. And in that lest you become like a spring lost and dissipated in the desert.
But draw them together into a little compass and hold them still. So still And let them become clear. So clear, so limpid, so mirror-like.
At last the mountains and the sky shall glass themselves in and peaceful Beauty and the antelope shall descend to drink and to gaze at who reflected image and the lion to quench his thirst.
And loved himself shall come and bend over and catch his own likeness in you.
And then we pray.
Lord have mercy are Tre Kia. Aroha Mai carry a eleison.
Christ. Have mercy are tiered. 80 karate. Kia. Aroha Mai christe eleison.
Lord have mercy are Tre Kia. Aroha Mai carry a eleison.
Let us be at peace within ourselves.
Let us accept that. We are profoundly loved and need never be afraid.
Let us be aware of the source of being, that is common to us all and to all living creatures.
Let us be filled with the presence of the great compassion towards ourselves and towards all living beings.
Realizing that we are all nourished from the same source of life. May we? So love that others be not deprived of air food, water shelter or the chance to live.
Let us pray that we ourselves ceased to be a cause of suffering to one another.
With humility. Let us pray for the establishment of peace in our hearts and on Earth.
May God Kendall in us. The fire of love to bring us the life and give warmth to the world.
Lead me from Death to life from falsehood, to truth. Leave me from despair to Hope, from Fear, to trust.
Lead me from hate to love from water peace, let peaceful our heart. Our world our universe.
And the collect Forma de blessed savior at this hour. You hung upon the cross stretching out your loving arms, grant, that all peoples of the earth may be drawn to your uplifted, love for your kingdoms sake. Amen.
And the Lord's Prayer. Jesus, remember us in your kingdom and teach us to pray. Our Father in heaven. Hallowed Be Your Name, Your Kingdom Come your will be done on Earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and Deliver Us from Evil for the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.
May the Creator bless you and keep you may the Beloved companion face, you and have mercy upon, you may the Eternal Spirits countenance be turned to you and give you peace. And may the three-in-one bless you.
The Divine Spirit dwells in us, thanks be to God.